Services You Might Not Expect To Find At Animal Hospitals In Cordele GA
Like most pet owners, you might visit the veterinarian for annual checkups for your canine or feline companion and when your pet gets injured and sick. But did you know that comprehensive animal clinics offer more than preventative healthcare and urgent interventions. At Blackshear Veterinary Hospital, we want you to know several ways in which a veterinarian can help with your daily pet care. The following are several services you might not expect to find at animal hospitals in Cordele GA.
Imagine having to dash off for an emergency work trip or for a family event. Although some airlines allow pet owners to bring their animals into airplane cabins, certain pets are still required to fly in cargo loading areas. These spaces are cramped and dirty. They lack temperature control and the animals within them are subjected to the exhaust from burning jet fuel. Not only are these experiences unhealthy and unsafe for pets, but they can also be incredibly traumatizing.
When you can’t safely fly with your animal, you can always choose boarding services at a vet hospital. With boarding, your pet will get a clean, safe environment, regular water and meals, and ample opportunity to socialize. Vet clinics are staffed by people who genuinely love animals and treat them with compassion.
You don’t have to pay a veritable fortune to take your pet to the spa for grooming. You can have your pet groomed at a vet clinic. We use proper nail trimming, coat clipping, and washing techniques. All of the products we apply are gentle and soothing. We offer an easy and affordable way to make your pets feel pampered and refreshed.
All animals with teeth need regular dental care. Bring your pet in for regular tooth cleaning to avoid common issues such as tooth loss, painful infections, and heart disease. In addition to cleaning your pet’s teeth, we can also recommend simple strategies for dental upkeep at home. To find out more or get started, get in touch with Blackshear Veterinary Hospital today!